AC Milan, Singer Jr issues new ultimatum to Arsenal's Gazidis

AC Milan, Singer Jr issues new ultimatum to Arsenal's Gazidis

Elliott Management and Paul Singer, the new owners of AC Milan, continue to work on bringing in Arsenal's Ivan Gazidis, who reportedly has been offered a huge pay rise to join the Rossoneri. 

As reported by Corriere Dello Sport, Gordon Singer (Paul Singer's son), who happens to be an Arsenal fan, is insisting on bringing in Gazidis, despite Arsenal's will to keep the 53-year-old. 
In fact, an offer has already been put on the table; €4m per season. However, Milan are in a race against time as they would like to present the new organizational chart to UEFA as soon as possible, in order to request a voluntary agreement. Therefore, a deadline has been sent to Gazidis, who is carefully evaluating the offer.
Should Gazidis decide to stay, then Milan will switch focus to their former employee Umberto Gandini, currently at Roma. 
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