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    EXCLUSIVE Juventus agree to Pereyra sale to Watford ... in principle

    EXCLUSIVE Juventus agree to Pereyra sale to Watford ... in principle

    Roberto Pereyra is on his way out of Juventus, and it is likely that the Argentine will move within the next few days. But where? 

    Good job we spoke to agent Claudio Vagheggi about it. He revealed to us that Watford have an agreement in principle with the Turinese club. 

    On Pereyra's Watford medical being tomorrow, however, Vagheggi revealed that "I don't currently have any information on that, I can tell you that it isn't true. The clubs are negotiating, and are working both hard and well on reaching an agreement". 

    "There is a rough agreement, but one can only say it is done when the two sides sign. Both clubs are working to agree on the numbers". 

    "The next 48 hours could be decisive. Roberto is happy with Juventus, but he wouldn't refuse the Premier League". 

    Daniele Longo, translated by @EdoDalmonte

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