AC Milan: Berlusconi vs Allegri. Inter: Baros won't join

    AC Milan: Berlusconi vs Allegri. Inter: Baros won't join

    Last week AC Milan honorary president and major shareholder Silvio Berlusconi said that his first team’s head coach Massimiliano Allegri doesn’t understand a “damned thing”; the episode has then been minimized by both parties and most of all by the Lombard club’s Chief Executive Adriano Galliani; but today the former Italian Prime Minister, interviewed by RTL 102,5 regarding the next Champions League game against Barcelona, has given some tachtical advices to the 45 year old, and, even if he had clarified that Allegri is still there and has another year on his contract, he stated that though if he understand the role of the coach, if this latter one doesn’t agree with his president, he will be fired. Such declarations have made a lot of glamour, and provocated the ironical reaction of Juventus coach Antonio Conte

    Completely different the attitude held by Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti, who, despite the humiliating defeat against Fiorentina, has not put the blame on his team’s coach Andrea Stramaccioni, but on the whole group. It’s one the other hand true, that the nerazzurri are probably suffering more than expected the absence of their most skilled forward Diego Milito; it’s still uncertain if they will sign or not a free agent to replace the 33 year old: for sure it won’t be 31 year old Milan Baros, who has signed today for Banik Ostrava.

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