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    Milan are working on a swap deal with Genoa for a promising defender

    Milan are working on a swap deal with Genoa for a promising defender

    Since the final closing has been postponed a few months, Milan will have to first sell players in January before they can then buy some one. This is what Adriano Galliani stated today in an interview with Rai Sport (before Milan's game versus Juventus in Doha) : " 28 years have passed since our first win and we now have accumulated 28 trophies since but I don't want to talk about this know I am under too much stress. Closing? I don't want to talk about this, it is up to Fininvest and SES. Transfer Market? We will first need to sell a player before we can then buy another one so let's see what happens". 

    In the mean time, Milan offered Rodrigo Ely to Genoa (with an option to buy him) in a one on one swap versus Armando Izzo (born in 1992). Preziosi's club still have to give Milan a response but they rate Izzo very highly. 

    Milan are currently playing Juventus in the Italian Supercup final in Doha. 

    Jean-Luca Mascaro (@CalcioNews89)

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