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    Barbara, NOT SILVIO, to keep control of 30% of Milan after Chinese takeover

    Barbara, NOT SILVIO, to keep control of 30% of Milan after Chinese takeover

    As we've reported before, it looks like AC Milan are on the verge of a takeover from a Chinese consortium, which includes the Evergrande group, but whose full composition isn't even known to Fininvest. 

    The takeover is meant to happen in two stages, with 70% of the club being bought immediately, and the remaining 30% three years later. 

    So far, we'd heard that Silvio Berlusconi would remain as president for the interveneing period. Well, we were right about the Berlusconi part: it'll be daughter Barbara who will run the club, if the Corriere dello Sport can be believed. 

    Her presence will be key in the building of a new stadium for the club, and to grow the club's brand overseas. 


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